For entrepeneurs and businesses seeking vital business and financing resources, check out Evergreen BizLink. The Evergreen BizLink platform helps you find unique business services in your area that you can use right now.
Grant Guidelines are now available and applications are due Friday, April 4, 2025 by 5:00pm. Read the Program Guidelines, download materials, and learn how to submit your application by following the link below.
Technical assistance, best practices methods, and other tools help ESOs assist microbusinesses so they can grow and improve their capacity and operations.
Information about business and financial technical assistance partners throughout WA is at your fingertips. Learn more about our partners and the business services they provide.
The WSMA’s competitive funding helps ESOs offer services such as training, technical assistance, one-on-one business counseling, and financing to entrepreneurs.
Meetings, conferences, and other networking opportunities help ESOs and microbusiness advocates collaborate with business, economic development, and financing partners.
Our web-based directory of ESOs helps the smallest businesses connect with the regional business resources they need to grow and thrive.
WSMA Announces Statewide Grant Awards Supporting Small Businesses!
ESOs! Build your capacity to develop more revenue streams for your entrepreneurs